The future of urban mobility
Is your business ready?

Big acquisitions. Rebrands. Testing new services. Law changes.
You’ve already started to prepare for it.
But so has everyone else.
Do you have a plan to stand out?

When we see an industry in flux,
we see opportunity.
Since you’re busy planning for the revolution, we did some thinking on our own about how our team can help yours stand out in the crowd.
We polled our network, asked our team about their favourite services, and applied our 5wayz checkup to the industry to anticipate challenges your brand might face.
Read on to see what we uncovered. If you want to go deeper, contact us to set up a 2-hour sprint session to find innovative solutions to your brand’s challenges.
Survey says …

The 5wayz checkup
5wayz is our strategic approach to assessing how our team at Fuenfwerken can best help your brand thrive.
It’s a canvas and a mindset that looks at your company in parts and as a whole. It’s a flexible, iterative process custom-fit for your team’s needs.

Our assessment? This sector has no issue with purpose. Your company was started to solve one problem – that of eco-friendly, innovative transport in urban spaces – and if that’s not purpose, we don’t know what is.
Mindset is a little trickier – we’ll talk with you to assess how well the mindset of your employees is aligned with your purpose. Looking at Urban Mobility, we anticipate this to be a significant challenge. When brands grow quickly, they might not have time to get every member of the team on the same page. But this is crucial for an effective strategy.
A healthy business strategy is aligned from the inside out – in our sprints and consultations we can assess your model and identify possible ways to gain an even stronger alignment in your business design.
With the recent developments in the sector, this market is going to saturate fast. We’re proven experts at substantially improving brand recognition through authentic & story-driven strategies. We’ll work with you to determine how your brand is holding up against the competition – and together we’ll figure out how to make you stand out more than ever.
It’s what ties it all together. The look, the feel, the first impression. We started out as a corporate design company, and in our session with you we will apply our 20+ years of award-winning expertise to make sure your customers are experiencing your brand precisely the way you want them to.
Let’s ride.
Our offer:
a two-hour sprint at your office or in our co-creation space 5PACE to apply our 5wayz framework to your business. We guarantee you’ll walk away with a new perspective and some big ideas to strengthen your brand.
But wait, there’s more:

“Vehicles are one of the best
modes of transportation.
Relationships are one of the best
vehicles of transformation.”
Kate McGahan, Author